The Benefits Of Working with One Plant At A Time

The key to understanding our herbal allies is to work with them one herb at a time. Just like our friends, when we get to know them individually, we develop a deeper and more personal connection!

The same goes for plants! We learn about their likes, dislikes, their strengths, and weaknesses. Here are some of our favorite ways to work with the plants:

Experience an herb's benefits in all forms: make a tea and compare its effect to a tincture, or experiment with an herb topically through herbal oils, salves, creams, footbaths, and herbal baths.

We can learn a lot about an herbal ally by growing it in our garden. Does this herb prefer full or partial sun? Is it suited to dry or wet soil? These details can help us understand how a plant might work in our bodies.

Write down your experience. Keeping an herb journal is a great way to document your findings!

Herbs are energetic beings; try carrying a handful of dried herbs in your pocket, and document how you feel throughout the day.

Gina Kearney

Gina Kearney is an Entrepreneur, Herbalist and Holistic Business Coach.

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