Sound Bed Therapy

Vibroacoustic Sound Bed Therapy promotes a profound state of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies in the body which help to restore and maintain health.

During a Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy session, you will lie on a vibroacoustic bed and wear headphones. The synchronized sound and low-frequency sine waves produce a deep state of relaxation that is both heard and felt directly in the body.

Advantages of Regular Sound Bed Therapy

  • Stress Reduction: VAT reduces stress by inducing relaxation, lowering the heart rate through heart rate variability (HRV), and allowing your body and mind to release tension while improving resilience to stress.

  • Improved Sleep: If you're having trouble sleeping, Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy relaxes the central nervous system, allowing the body to welcome restful sleep.

  • Pain Reduction: Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy decreases blood pressure and increases circulation, which can help alleviate pain.

  • Lower Blood Pressure: Sound frequency and vibration help to balance the right- and left-side brain frequencies; balanced frequencies are associated with lower blood pressure and heart rate variability.

  • Reduced Migraines: According to the National Headache Institute, "Soothing vibrations and pleasant sounds have a profound impact on brain waves... as you reach deeper states of relaxation through sound, your dopamine levels rise, an important neurotransmitter that helps your body regulate [migraine] pain."

  • An overall enhanced sense of joy and well-being.

Rates & Packages

30-Minute Sessions

60-Minute Sessions