Disclosure, Liability Waiver & Release


Currently, herbalism is not considered a recognized health care modality in Florida. As such, there is no state or national licensing for herbal practitioners. At this time, there is only national certification and registration.

I, the participant, clearly understand that Gina Kearney RH (AHG) is NOT a medical doctor nor does she practice standard Western medical assessment, diagnosis or treatment. Also, that Gina Kearney does not claim to cure disease, nor offer advice about the use of any type of pharmaceuticals or medications. The information in classes, consults and on this website is meant for educational purposes only, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



In exchange for the fee paid, Herbs & Owls is providing a service, class or program assisting you in mind, body, spirit integration through the use of modalities that may include, but not limited to: herbal medicine, flower essence therapy, vibroacoustic sound therapy, shamanic teachings and practices, meditation, qi gong, sound baths and healing, guided meditations and imagery, chakra balancing, private consultations, and energy work.

You, the participant, hereby agree to assume all risks associated with any outcome resulting from your participation in Herbs & Owls programs, classes, programs or private consultation with practitioners. Side effects may include, but not limited to: emotional release, lightheadedness, mild fatigue, physical tingling, and change in body temperature.

All information and mental or physical activity or guidance and direction provided during programs, classes, or private consultations are to enhance you, the participants, well-being. It is my responsibility, as participant, to inform the practitioner if any discomfort should arise. It is my responsibility, as participant, to notify the practitioner ahead of time of any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries.

By agreeing to or signing this Waiver and Release of liability you agree that neither Gina Kearney, Dimitra Christiani, nor Herbs & Owls shall be responsible for any negative consequence of any kind which is claimed to result from:

1) your participation in any of these classes, programs, activities or consultations; or

2) from the use of any information learned or obtained during these classes, programs, activities or consultations, including, but not limited to vibroacoustic sound therapy, herbal medicine, flower essence therapy, shamanic teachings and practices, meditation, qi gong, sound baths and healing, guided meditations and imagery, chakra balancing, private consultations, and energy work, programs or classes.

By signing this Waiver and Release you further agree not to assert any legal claims of any kind in any form against Gina Kearney, Dimitra Christiani, nor Herbs & Owls on any asserted negative consequence resulting from your participation in these programs, classes or private consultations.


By agreeing to or signing this Waiver and Release you acknowledge and agree that Gina Kearney, Dimitra Christiani, or Herbs & Owls, disclaim all liability for any injuries or negative consequence claimed by you to be the result of your participation in these programs, classes, or private consultations.

Please indicate that you have read and understand the information on this form by providing your signature or checking the box that you agree during the online sign up process.

UPDATED MAY 24, 2024.