New Beginnings - A Year of Wellbeing

It's that time of year again—a time for new beginnings. Many of us have long lists of goals we hope to accomplish in the months ahead.

●     Eating healthier

●     Better time management

●     Spend more time outdoors

●     Learn a new skill

●     Take up a new hobby

●     Exercise more

●     Worry less

What do all of these goals have in common? Well-being.

In some way or another, we are all in search of well-being, whether in terms of physical, mental, or emotional health.

Practicing Well-Being

Well-being is a journey, one that we actively seek every single day through the decisions we make. We can increase our sense of well-being by adopting practices that help us lower stress, deepen our connection to the natural world, and allow ourselves opportunities for self-discovery and healing.

Three ways to increase well-being

Sound therapy is an easy way to help increase our sense of well-being. The first known application of music as a healing tool is attributed to the Australian Aborigines, who employed the didgeridoo as a healing instrument for over 40,000 years.

At Herbs & Owls, we offer Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy; it differs from traditional sound therapy because not only are you receiving frequencies through sound, but you also experience the vibrational frequencies throughout the body. As your body receives these frequencies, your cells, muscles, tendons, organs, nerves, spinal cord, and brain change their old frequency patterns to match the new.

 The advantages of regular VAT sound therapy sessions include:

Stress Reduction: VAT reduces stress by inducing relaxation, lowering the heart rate through heart rate variability (HRV), and allowing your body and mind to release tension while improving resilience to stress.

Improved Sleep: If you're having trouble sleeping, Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy relaxes the central nervous system, allowing the body to welcome restful sleep.

Pain Reduction: Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy decreases blood pressure and increases circulation, which can help alleviate pain.

Lower Blood Pressure: Sound frequency and vibration help to balance the right- and left-side brain frequencies; balanced frequencies are associated with lower blood pressure and heart rate variability.

Reduced Migraines: According to the National Headache Institute, "Soothing vibrations and pleasant sounds have a profound impact on brain waves... as you reach deeper states of relaxation through sound, your dopamine levels rise, an important neurotransmitter that helps your body regulate [migraine] pain."

An overall enhanced sense of joy and well-being.

Shamanic Medicine Wheel

Shamanic healing is one the oldest forms of healing known to humanity, having been in existence for over 100,000 years.

The shamanic path is one of self-discovery, where it is believed that nature is alive, that the circumstances and people in our lives are our teachers, and that each of us have the ability to connect with the realm of spirits.

How can shamanism contribute to our sense of well-being?

●     Shamanism can help us to release old traumas and long-held beliefs

●     See, feel and experience the world as truly alive

●     Connect with Nature and Spirit Guides

●     Heal at a deep and lasting level

●     Gain direct wisdom and insight

●     Feel grounded and connected with nature

Connect with Nature

We have lost touch with nature, our hurried lifestyles have caused us to spend more time indoors, staring at our phones and computer screens. Connecting with nature through gardening, meditation, and nature walks allows our nervous system to slow down, reduce stress, and boost positive emotions.

Our goal is to help our community rekindle that connection with nature through our budding herbalist program. Our program teaches our students to

●     Confidently select and use herbs for themselves and their loved ones.

●     To understand the physical body systems and learn which herbs support them.

●     Understand how thoughts and emotions affect the physical body and how to manage them.

●     Engage in practices designed to foster deep connection with nature and enhance your own inner guidance and wisdom.

●     Join a community of people, who are passionate about herbal medicine and natural health.

●     Learn how to proactively support their physical, emotional and energetic health and longevity.

Herbs For Well-Being

We can call upon herbs and flower allies to help assist us in our journey to well-being. Some of my favorite herbs to work with are:

1.    Linden Flower (Tilia spp.)

Linden flower is a sweet aromatic herb that can be called upon in times of stress. This herbal ally is considered an antidepressant and calmative and can help those with stress-induced heart palpitations.

2.    Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

Chamomile is an ally for "babies of all ages," gently mothering us back to a state of calm and balance. This herbal ally is often used to treat skin conditions, soothe

frayed nerves, support a good night's sleep, ease gastrointestinal disorders, induce sweat to break fevers, and ease premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

3.    Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

The majority of us are familiar with rosemary as a kitchen herb used for cooking; what most people don't know is that rosemary is also a versatile medicinal plant. This herbal ally can be used to support many imbalances, including hair loss and thinning (topical), headache and eyestrain, bloating, poor circulation, and even depression and anxiety.

4.    Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

The use of dandelion as a medicinal herb dates back to the 10th century; it is a plant rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, and high levels of vitamin K and also full of minerals like Potassium, Iron, Folate, Magnesium, Calcium, and Zinc. Historically, dandelion root has been used to improve liver health by enhancing its detoxification function through increased bile flow. The vitamins and minerals that come from this plant ally also help cleanse the liver and blood.

5.    Nettle (Urtica dioeca)

Nettle is a popular Spring herb, full of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. This herbal ally has an affinity for the liver, kidneys, and muscles. Nettle is best prepared as a long infusion, left to steep even overnight. As a hair rinse, it can be used in cases of hair loss.

6.    Milky oat seed (Avena sativa)

Milky oat seeds are a beautiful nervous system tonic ideal for those who often find themselves in fight or flight mode. The seeds should be harvested at the milky stage and best taken as a tincture, but they can also be dried and infused in teas.

Gina Kearney

Gina Kearney is an Entrepreneur, Herbalist and Holistic Business Coach.

Demystifying Shamanism


Ancient Winter Solstice Celebrations