Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium spp.)

Horny goat weed belongs to the Epimedium genus, a hardy perennial native to Asia, specifically China, Japan, and Korea. Horny goat weed can grow up to 20 inches tall and is adorned with heart-shaped leaves and small dainty flowers.

Common names: fairy wings, bishop’s hat, horny goat weed, yin yang huo, barrenwort, rowdy lamb herb

Family: Berberidaceae

Taste: pungent, sweet

Energetics: warming

Native: East Asia, China, Japan, Korea

Preparations: infusion, tea, tincture, capsule

Actions: aphrodisiac, tonic, circulatory stimulant

Parts used: leaves

Traditionally called Yin-Yang-Huo, this hardy plant ally is commonly referred to as horny goat weed; legend says that this plant got its name after a Chinese goat herder noticed an increase in his goat's sexual activity after consuming the plant. Horny goat weed has been used by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners for over 2,000 years.

Before we take a deep dive into horny goat weed's medicinal properties, let's talk about its traditional uses:

  • Traditionally used to increase vitality and fertility, also known as "natural viagra."

  • In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this herbal ally is used to warm the kidneys. In TCM ,kidney system imbalance can lead to fertility issues.

  • Has been used for thousands of years to support circulation to the extremities

There are over 50 species of horny goat weed, but the ones most commonly used for their medicinal properties include Epimedium sagittatum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium wushanense, Epimedium koreanum, and Epimedium pubescens.

What makes horny goat weed an herbal ally?

Men’s sexual health

As an aphrodisiac herb, horny goat weed may help balance hormones and increase sexual performance; horny goat weed is known as a “natural viagra” throughout the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) community. This herbal ally is most commonly used to help men experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED).

How does ED happen?

An erection happens when nitric oxide signals interact with cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate), a chemical in the body that allows the smooth muscle in the penis to relax, therefore allowing blood to flow and create an erection.

Erectile dysfunction happens when an enzyme, PDE5 ( protein phosphodiesterase type 5), interferes with nitric oxide and cGMP, blocking blood flow.

So, how does horny goat weed work?

Horny goat weed is composed of many constituents, one of them being icariin, responsible for inhibiting or blocking the enzyme PDE5, boosting nitric oxide, and increasing blood flow.

Clinical trials:

Horny goat weed has been used in both human and animal clinical trials. The constituent icariin is often isolated and studied for its positive effect on men’s sexual health.

study on male rats published in 2005 concluded that the compound icariin (found in horny goat weed) can have a therapeutic effect on ED. 

Another study on the human enzyme PDE5 used the constituent icariin extracted from horny goat weed. The study concluded that the constituent is “a promising candidate for further development.”

Women’s sexual health

Horny goat weed can also increase sexual desire for women but has most often been used to help ease symptoms associated with menopause and post-menopause, including

  • Mood swings

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Low libido

  • Hot flashes

  • Fatigue

  • Brittle hair

During menopause, hormones like estrogen and progesterone are produced at significantly lower levels causing the symptoms like mood swings and vaginal dryness. This herbal ally is rich in prenylated flavonoids; these flavonoids mimic the effects of estrogen in the body; as a modulator, horny goat weed may help bring estrogen levels back to normal.

Clinical trials:

Researchers compared epimedium extract with a standard menopause treatment in one animal study. It was found that plant constituents in horny goat weed, such as icariin, produced bioactive effects that lasted longer than a conventional menopause drug.

Bone health

Conditions like osteoporosis cause loss of bone density and strength; over time, this disease creates honeycomb-like spaces in the bones, making them weak and prone to breaks and fractures. Icariin, the same constituent responsible for inhibiting the enzyme PDE5 in men with erectile dysfunction, may also be responsible for increasing bone density. 

In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, horny goat weed may be beneficial in helping to stop bone loss, specifically of the spine and hips.

Clinical trials:

Many studies have investigated the effects of horny goat weed on bone mass, specifically in postmenopausal women. Some studies found that using the isolated constituent, icariin, improved bone mass in animal studies and could have the same effects in women. 

Another study gave a group of one-hundred postmenopausal women epimedium-derived phytoestrogen flavonoids to test their effect on bone loss. Only 85 of those women finished the trial; the results showed a significant difference between the women who were given epimedium-derived phytoestrogen flavonoids (EPFs) and those who were given a placebo. The study concluded that EPFs protect against bone loss in late postmenopausal women without contributing to endometrial hyperplasia.

TCM Kidney tonic

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), horny goat weed is known for its Kidney tonic effect and is most often used in cases of Yang deficiency. Yang deficiency is often associated with symptoms like low libido and ED. In TCM, the Kidneys are not only associated with the urinary system but also with the reproductive system. Traditional uses include,

  • Used to reduce issues of frequent urination.

  • It May help the immune system function in kidney disease patients (undergoing dialysis)

  • It May also increase sex drive in people undergoing dialysis

Clinical trials:

In a clinical trial with 34 patients on hemodialysis, epimedium effects were evaluated on several clinical and laboratory parameters after taking the herb for four months. Patients who received horny goat weed had a notable improvement in both sexual and renal function, especially those under 40. 

Heart Health

Horny goat weed supports a healthy flow of blood throughout the body. Its constituent, icariin, is thought to have a cardioprotective effect and is traditionally known for its potential benefits in cases of arrhythmia, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. 

This herbal ally also contains Quercetin, an antioxidant that inhibits oxidation, has anti-inflammatory properties, and helps to promote normal levels of nitric oxide in the body. 

Clinical trials: study published in 2017 concluded that the naturally occurring compound icariin has multiple atheroprotective properties. The constituent's mechanism involves anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and lipid-modulatory effects.

Side Effects

Horny goat weed has no known drug interactions and is generally considered safe by TCM practitioners who have used this herbal ally for thousands of years. In large amounts, horny goat weed may increase blood pressure. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult with an herbalist before taking horny goat weed as it may affect hormone levels.


The dosage of any herb depends mainly on the recommendation of your herbalist. Typical use can include 2-3 cups of horny goat weed tea per day or a tincture taking anywhere from 3ml -10ml per day.

Gina Kearney

Gina Kearney is an Entrepreneur, Herbalist and Holistic Business Coach.


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Herbs For Osteoporosis