Becoming: An Herbalist's Reflection.

being an herbalist is an act of becoming.

becoming aware, expansive, pulsating

becoming emotional about the rain, the roots, the flowers, the oceans

becoming passionate about our ancestors, our forgotten knowledge

becoming steadfast in our desire to commune, share and experience

becoming our forgotten Self

A Self who has become many times before and rejoices in becoming anew.


In sensing the patterns of the body & mind

I am called by the individual flowers

effortlessly they call into experience

that which our Soul needs most.


It's a funny thing to talk to plants

in images and emotion.

Acquaintances become Soul companions

in instant moments of revelation.

Gina Kearney

Gina Kearney is an Entrepreneur, Herbalist and Holistic Business Coach.

Dandelion & Olive Tapenade Salad


Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus)