The Season of Letting Go Through Gratitude

Lung energy is strongest in the autumn, and it is associated with the emotions of loss and grief, as well as the idea of "letting go" and becoming receptive to new initiatives, relationships, and ways of thinking.

Although it can be challenging, we can begin to let go of sadness and grief through gratitude.

Gratitude holds an important role this time of year. 

"Gratitude is not about ignoring the negative. It is about accentuating the positive" - Barbara Suever

Take a few moments today to write down three things you're thankful for this holiday season. We'll take the lead!

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

  • We're grateful to all of the students we have had the pleasure of teaching this year. From those in our Budding Herbalist Program to those who attend our in-person classes and online classes. Thank you.

  • We are grateful to the plants for guiding and teaching us on a daily basis.

  • We're grateful for our community, those we have the pleasure of meeting online and in person.

Now it's your turn! Create a mental gratitude list, write it down, or share it with us; we'd love to hear what you're grateful for!

Sharing our Favorite Thanksgiving Recipe

We enjoy incorporating herbs into our daily life, especially through food; it is a simple way to reap the benefits of our herbal allies.

This creamy burdock and mushroom sauce is packed with medicinal herbs including burdock root, thyme, garlic, and mushrooms.

Herbs for the Fall Season

Herbs for the Fall Season

It's time to nourish the body, tonify the lungs and support the immune and digestive systems. During the Autumn season, look to warming herbs like: Cardamom, Burdock Root, Cinnamon, Garlic, Ginger, Nutmeg, and Thyme.

Breathe Easy Tea

Fall Favorite


Elderberry Support Tea

Fall Favorite


Digestive Ease Tea

Fall Favorite


Living with the Seasons

We are nature, and connecting with the natural world around us helps to increase our health and happiness. Living in harmony with the seasons is a wonderful way to rebuild that connection.

Our Budding Herbalist program was created to teach people how to reconnect with plants, nature, and themselves.

“This is incredible class, with a great teacher. What was such a delight about this class was that I was able to implement so many things I learned each week into my daily life. Some subjects that I’m familiar with, I had not been practicing so I was able to re-introduce these valuable practices back into my daily life. Gina is a wonderful teacher, (I’m a lifelong learner, with many teachers over the years), and I’m a teacher. Gina thank you for your lifelong learning of these wonderful valuable practices and your wiliness to share them.

This is a class that is invaluable to our planet, and to us human’s moving forward. I believe we need to get back to some ancient knowledge, that’s been placed aside in our culture. Our children would greatly benefit from this knowledge. I will be back for your next class! ”


The Online Budding Herbalist Program is Live!

We are thankful that we can finally announce that in addition to the in-person program, students can now enroll in an online program too!

The online program offers LIVE office hours and a student community.